Saturday, December 10, 2011

day 1 at CheRaTiNG!!!!

Ahhhhh after a long time i did not update my last i have time to updte it...
Cherating,Pahang.... my dad told us(my siblings n I) that we r going to cherating on saturday, n we all get really excited about it...
then..the day has come... we woke up at the early 6.30 a.m... after subuh prayer...we hit the ride...then we arrive at cherating around 11 o'clock..then we w . ent to pantai mak nik which is at terengganu there we had our lunch... a nice ikan tenggiri bakar n ketam ...fuhhh... after a long drive( mcm i lak yg bwk) we arrived at the cherating bayview resort... lps solat2 sume kul 6 kiteorg g pantai at in front of the resort... lawa giler kot.. too bad tak sempat nak upload gambar( malas sebenarnye)...the we had our dinner at the slowest and lauziest restaurant ever... n ikan pari bakar die... juz ok2 je... the here i am back at my room... ready tuk tidur.

Friday, February 4, 2011

sabda dah memanggil...

haish.....sek dah nak bukak balik...i seriously don't know ape persaan aku sebenarnye...bile kat sane aku rase nak balik umah..bile kat umah aku rase nak g sane (juz tuk lepak2 ngan fren je la) ... nanti bukak2 sek f4 masuk...haish...keje lg..penat takpe..demi tuk bukti kan dkt nova-x yg kite org leh jage sek aku all juniors nak nasihat sikit ni...tak yah la dok susah2 kan diri jd balaci smp nak report kat ex senior korang ttg ape yg jadi kat sek...cite sikit2 dah la... ni tak cite mcm2 siap tambah adok lg...yg buruk nye sape u.s gak...asal korang jeles sgt ngan batch kiteorg ek??? sume bnd kite org wat sume nye salh.....kite org juz tegur korang je mase korang buat salah...yg korang pandai2 kate kite org berkasar ASAL LAK!!!! g mampos la kalu camtu... sorry 4 the harsh word..but u guys ask 4 it....kalu kite org bg muke sgt kat korang nnt korang naik kepala lak...woi sedar sikit! kiteorg ni senior korang hormat je la!!!!! ngok!!!!!!!...n jgn pndai2 nak report leh tak...

p.s:kpd dak2 nova x yg terbace bnde ni harap maklum batch kiteorg tak setruk yg korang sangka..insyaAllah kite org boleh handle la sek tu....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


WAAAAAAAAAAAaahhhhhh akhirnye bulan jan dah as ussual mcm2 berlaku... 1st of all...since aku dah jd pgws aku terpaksa la tukar dorm ingat kan dorm 27 aku leh terima lg ni TAK DORM AL 37 bapak tinggi...lain kali bg la lift ke eskelator ke...sng sikit aku...haish..pastu dtg la dak2 f1...mule2 tgk klakar ngan dorang gak aku lepak....pastu majlis mlm gala..turquoise kena buat persembahan kompang...kite org ingat kite org dah leh mng aleh2 tak de no lsg..dah la tu majlis penutupan rumah turquoise kena buat persembahan...dah la h tak mng tibe2 kena buat persembahan bnyk cantek! tp tak pe at least kite kekal kan rekod sume majlis penutupan msr turquoise kena buat persembahan...pastu ade ujian lak...adushh tunggu je la result nanti....