Saturday, June 12, 2010


everyone on earth has a dream...dream car, dream house, dream family or even dream girl.... i also had those dreams.... but dream is just like a fairy tale... we can't hope that every thing will come true... yes sometimes there some dream which will come true...but there will be no happy ending in real life.... but i am looking for a happy n a wonderful life... althought it is juz a dream.. a fairy tale dream but i will try to make my dream comes true

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


at last dpt gak aku update blog aku setelah SEBULAN aku tak update..... hem ape nak cite ek...cite kat sabda banyak cite yela dah sebulan LEBIH kat sane mesti la banyak antara top 10 cite kat sabda...

1.Yeay 4 the 1st time ade kenduri aqiqah kat sabda... thanx to the pakcik kantin yg sudi buat kat sek... dpt la kite org rase mkn sedap aritu... siap ade gotong royong pagi tu.. KELAZZZ yg penting ade gak lembu yg d'sembelih kat sana...
2.exam week...stress giler...mcm nak pengsan pun ade gak...antara subjek yg aku tak study sgt... sej, phy, bio n chm...ahhh!!!
3.pertandingan kawad kaki...walupun aku x masuk tapi ramai gak kwn2 aku masuk...joko, syaidi, amir az,ismah, pek,sape lg ek... sorry x ingat la..ohh nabil...anyway congratz tuk sape yg mng...
4.hah ni nak kata lwk ke ape ke i also don't know... weird...aritu lps amik haslinda wants to see me,sab,brian n khir 4 what reason i don't know.. then kite org rayau2 cari brian..n it cam across my mind... oh maybe pasal olimpiad maths.. n khirs said no!!! kalu tak mesti...MESTI sal ade..die ckp mcm tu mcm hanya dorang 4 org je yg layak tuk bnd aku buat tak tahu je..then kite g jumpe cikgu...n she said taniah sbb anda 4 org berjaya dlm pertandingan hari tu n akan wakil sek lps cuti nnt... i was like WHAT!!!! i was right khir... n benda lg mengejut kan i was at the 1st place...
5.aku kena handle choir rumah turquoise...
6.hah meeting prefects ...habis sume dak laki haitham n jazari kena...thanx to the lovely people yg sudi membangkit kan perkara itu...
7.hari guru... a new frens mus n rina *(TB)
9.ade couple baru kat sek...
10.results pekse...wahhh!!! mmg sucks to the max
tu je takat ni adios